aMNLFA - Automated Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis Using 'M-plus'
Automated generation, running, and interpretation of
moderated nonlinear factor analysis models for obtaining scores
from observed variables, using the method described by
Gottfredson and colleagues (2019)
<doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.10.031>. This package creates M-plus
input files which may be run iteratively to test two different
types of covariate effects on items: (1) latent variable impact
(both mean and variance); and (2) differential item
functioning. After sequentially testing for all effects, it
also creates a final model by including all significant effects
after adjusting for multiple comparisons. Finally, the package
creates a scoring model which uses the final values of
parameter estimates to generate latent variable scores. \n\n
This package generates TEMPLATES for M-plus inputs, which can
and should be inspected, altered, and run by the user. In
addition to being presented without warranty of any kind, the
package is provided under the assumption that everyone who uses
it is reading, interpreting, understanding, and altering every
M-plus input and output file. There is no one right way to
implement moderated nonlinear factor analysis, and this package
exists solely to save users time as they generate M-plus syntax
according to their own judgment.